20 items total


20 items to display
242852 riadiaca jednotka pc 16 s manometrom

The PC-16 control unit with a dry-running self-starting pressure gauge for pump...

242849 1 riadiaca jednotka pc 59 s manometrom

The electronic switch for controlling the pump operation, or in other words press...

242885 1 spojka na kalovu hadicu c s vonkajsim zavitom 2

Fire hose coupling for type C sludge hose with 2" male thread.

242876 ochrana behu na sucho sk13

The dry run protection SK13 works by controlling the pressure at the pump outlet....

242870 plavakovy spinac 0 5m kabel

The float switch is used in conjunction with submersible sump or submersible...

242864 plavakovy spinac 10m kabel

The float switch is used in conjunction with submersible sump or submersible...

242867 plavakovy spinac 5m kabel

The float switch is used in conjunction with submersible sump or submersible...

242861 tlakovy spinac pc 2 s manometrom

The pressure switch with integrated pressure gauge PC-2 can be used with...

242873 1 ochrana behu na sucho sk 13 set s komplet 1 pripojenim

The SK-13 dry run protection is suitable for self priming, surface pumps and the...

242891 1 kalova hadica 2 20m 1x bal s koncovkami c

Application: for sludge and drainage pumps, rollable flat ends as on fire hose "C"...

242888 1 kalova hadica 2 30m 1x bal s koncovkami c

Application: for sludge and drainage pumps, rollable to flat ends as on fire hose...

242882 1 nerezove ucho pre zavesne zariadenie

Stainless steel handle for hanging device.

242831 1 sacia hadica 1 komplet 10m savica

The 10m suction hose set is designed for water supply to the pump. The hose, or...

242834 1 sacia hadica 1 komplet 1m savica

The 1m suction hose set is designed for water supply to the pump. The hose, or...

242840 1 sacia hadica 1 komplet 2m savica

The 2m suction hose set is designed for water supply to the pump. The hose, or...

242843 1 sacia hadica 1 komplet 3m savica

The 3m suction hose set is designed for water supply to the pump. The hose, or...

242846 1 sacia hadica 1 komplet 4m savica

The 4m suction hose set is designed for water supply to the pump. The hose, or...

242825 1 sacia hadica 1 komplet 5m savica

The 5m Suction Hose Set is designed for water supply to the pump. The hose, or...

242828 1 sacia hadica 1 komplet 7m savica

The 7m suction hose set is designed for water supply to the pump. The hose, or...
