
To be precise - it is mowing the lawn with a mower adapted so that the cut grass is ground to the smallest possible size without harvesting, while the material is left on the surface as fertilizer-irrigation-quantity.
This - method - is as old as nature, so I consider it essentially nonsense for anyone to doubt the functioning of this mechanism, or on the contrary, he considered it a novelty.

Mulching or spreading the soil is a wonderful helper for every gardener. It keeps the soil moist, prevents the growth of weeds and supports life in the soil.

Due to the action of the sun, it dries quickly. Under torrential rains, it melts and forms a dam that prevents water from entering the soil. So we have to loosen, aerate and water it more often. If we want to avoid these unnecessary steps, mulching can be the solution.


Advantages and disadvantages of mulching
The advantages of laying the soil are as follows:

protects the soil from drying out and reduces the need for irrigation
prevents the growth of most weeds
protects the soil from torrential rains and the formation of soil silt
creates an ideal microclimate for soil life and plant roots
the decomposition of mulch creates humus, which naturally fertilizes the soil
saves time associated with pulling out weeds
Like everything, mulching has its drawbacks:

snail and rodent populations may temporarily increase
in badly mulched places, weeds can still grow - for example, sedge
to begin with, it can be difficult to get enough organic material for mulching
How to mulch correctly?
When mulching, everything depends on the material with which we mulch. Fresh and moist material should only be laid in a thin layer. The thick layer could sag and start rotting. We can layer the dry material in a greater thickness, but not too high, so as not to unnecessarily attract voles or other pests.

It should also be remembered that finely chopped material will break down faster than that in larger pieces.

When mulching, two basic procedures must be distinguished - surface and local mulching.