
Soldering, or colloquially soldering, is a method of metallurgical joining of metal objects with another metal - solder, whose melting temperature is lower than the melting temperature of the material being joined. The joint is created by melting the solder into a liquid state, with the help of adhesion - the adhesion of the metal and the solder, and partially also due to the effect of diffusion - the intermingling of the particles of the metal being joined and the solder. Soldered joints are used primarily in electrical engineering, tinkering and mechanical engineering. Soldering is divided into:

hard soldering
soft soldering
Basic methods of soldering

Deposit - molten solder just wets the surfaces to be joined
Capillary - the components are suitably secured against mutual displacement and solder (e.g. in the form of grains) is inserted into the gap, after placing in the furnace the solder melts and the connection occurs
In electrical engineering, wave soldering is used when soldering components in mass production. In this technology, mounted printed circuit boards (DPS) are passed through a wave of liquid solder driven by a pump. Today, reflow soldering is mainly used for soldering surface mount devices (SMD) components. Dots of solder paste are applied to the PCB through a thin bronze foil template. This solder has a sticky consistency, so it also acts as an adhesive during the placement phase and holds the components on the board. As the board passes through the melting furnace, the solder melts and forms solder joints.




Advantages of soldering

the possibility of joining different materials, even hard-to-melt ones,
the joined materials are not melted, so their properties are not affected by heat. (structure, mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties).
simple device for production, assembly and maintenance


Disadvantages of soldering

relatively low bond strength
complex joint shapes and thus increased workability