Table fan
A fan is a working machine, the purpose of which is to ensure the transport of gas from one place to another. When the transported gas flows through the fan, it is compressed, but this is not the primary goal of the fan. The increase in pressure is only as great as is necessary to overcome the resistances in the flow of the transported air through the pipe and to maintain the gas flow.
Fans belong to the group of compressors (in a broader sense). Due to their purpose, they are designed as paddle (rotary) machines. If the fan is designed to overcome the resistance in the intake pipe (in front of the fan), it is also called an exhauster.
Fans are widely used in practice, from the largest to the smallest applications. They are used, for example, to create thrust in steam boilers, to blow air into cupolas, forges and gas generators. They are part of ventilation and air conditioning equipment. They are also used to transport loose materials in the air stream. they are often an integral part of electric motors. Small fans are part of computers and various electrical appliances to ensure their cooling.
Fans are also used as separate electrical appliances.
According to the flow direction, fans are divided into:
According to pressure and performance:
low-pressure ventilators
medium pressure fans
high pressure fans