solar assemblies

Solar set for TV heating with frame collectors IVAR.SOLAR 210 M4


intended for TV preparation with the possibility of reheating with a heat source and electric cartridge
used solar collectors frame type: IVAR. SOLAR 210 M4 - (2.13 m²) for IVAR.PRESTIGE EP 300 tank
supporting structure of frame solar collectors IVAR.SOLAR 210 M4 for sloping or flat roof
roof fastening: inclined tile (ŠŠ), inclined sheet (ŠP) or straight (R)
location direction south or southeast, southwest direction +/- 15°
assembly set – for IVAR.SOLAR collectors
solar tank TV IVAR.PRESTIGE EP 300, area of the upper exchanger 1.1 m² and the lower exchanger 1.8 m²
complete pump solar unit two-pipe IVAR.SOLAR K2 including regulation IVAR.SOLAR REGULATION
solar expansion vessel IVAR.AQUASOLAR including connection to the system
thermostatic mixing valve IVAR.C520
antifreeze mixture -32 °C without inhibitor IVAR.THERMOL -32 °C